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Header methods New ​

With the introduction of the new AxiosHeaders class, Axios provides a set of methods to manipulate headers. These methods are used to set, get, and delete headers in a more convenient way than directly manipulating the headers object.

Constructor new AxiosHeaders(headers?) ​

The AxiosHeaders class constructor accepts an optional object with headers to initialize the instance. The headers object can contain any number of headers, and the keys are case-insensitive.

constructor(headers?: RawAxiosHeaders | AxiosHeaders | string);

For convenience, you can pass a string with headers separated by a newline character. The headers are then parsed and added to the instance.

const headers = new AxiosHeaders(`
User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
Accept: */*`);


// Object [AxiosHeaders] {
//   host: '',
//   'user-agent': 'curl/7.54.0',
//   accept: '*/*'
// }

Set ​

The set method is used to set headers on the instance of AxiosHeaders. The method can be called with a single header name and value, an object with multiple headers, or a string with headers separated by a newline character. The method also accepts an optional rewrite parameter that controls the behaviour of setting the header.

set(headerName, value: Axios, rewrite?: boolean);
set(headerName, value, rewrite?: (this: AxiosHeaders, value: string, name: string, headers: RawAxiosHeaders) => boolean);
set(headers?: RawAxiosHeaders | AxiosHeaders | string, rewrite?: boolean);

The rewrite argument controls the overwriting behaviour:

  • false - do not overwrite if header's value is set (is not undefined)
  • undefined (default) - overwrite the header unless its value is set to false
  • true - rewrite anyway

The option can also accept a user-defined function that determines whether the value should be overwritten or not. The function receives the current value, header name, and the headers object as arguments.

Get ​

The get method is used to retrieve the value of a header. The method can be called with a single header name, an optional matcher, or a parser. The matcher is defaulted to true. The parser can be a regular expression that is used to extract the value from the header.

get(headerName: string, matcher?: true | AxiosHeaderMatcher): AxiosHeaderValue;
get(headerName: string, parser: RegExp): RegExpExecArray | null;

An example of some of the possible usages of the get method is shown below:

const headers = new AxiosHeaders({
  "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=Asrf456BGe4h",

// multipart/form-data; boundary=Asrf456BGe4h

console.log(headers.get("Content-Type", true)); // parse key-value pairs from a string separated with \s,;= delimiters:
// [Object: null prototype] {
//   'multipart/form-data': undefined,
//    boundary: 'Asrf456BGe4h'
// }

  headers.get("Content-Type", (value, name, headers) => {
    return String(value).replace(/a/g, "ZZZ");
// multipZZZrt/form-dZZZtZZZ; boundZZZry=Asrf456BGe4h

console.log(headers.get("Content-Type", /boundary=(\w+)/)?.[0]);
// boundary=Asrf456BGe4h

Has ​

The has method is used to check if a header exists in the instance of AxiosHeaders. The method can be called with a single header name and an optional matcher.

has(header: string, matcher?: AxiosHeaderMatcher): boolean;


Returns true if the header is set (has no undefined value).

Delete ​

The delete method is used to delete a header from the instance of AxiosHeaders. The method can be called with a single header name and an optional matcher.

delete(header: string | string[], matcher?: AxiosHeaderMatcher): boolean;


Returns true if at least one header has been removed.

Clear ​

The clear method is used to delete all headers from the instance of AxiosHeaders if nothing is passed. If a matcher is passed, only the headers that match the matcher are removed, in this case, the matcher is used to match against the header name rather than the value.

clear(matcher?: AxiosHeaderMatcher): boolean;


Returns true if at least one header has been cleared.

Normalize ​

If the headers object was changed directly, it can cause duplicates with the same name but in different cases. This method normalizes the headers object by combining duplicate keys into one. Axios uses this method internally after calling each interceptor. Set format to true for converting headers name to lowercase and capitalize the initial letters (cOntEnt-type => Content-Type) or false to keep the original format.

const headers = new AxiosHeaders({
  foo: "1",

headers.Foo = "2";
headers.FOO = "3";

console.log(headers.toJSON()); // [Object: null prototype] { foo: '1', Foo: '2', FOO: '3' }
console.log(headers.normalize().toJSON()); // [Object: null prototype] { foo: '3' }
console.log(headers.normalize(true).toJSON()); // [Object: null prototype] { Foo: '3' }


Returns this for chaining.

Concat ​

Merges the instance with targets into a new AxiosHeaders instance. If the target is a string, it will be parsed as RAW HTTP headers. If the target is an AxiosHeaders instance, it will be merged with the current instance.

concat(...targets: Array<AxiosHeaders | RawAxiosHeaders | string | undefined | null>): AxiosHeaders;


Returns a new AxiosHeaders instance.

toJSON ​

Resolve all internal headers values into a new null prototype object. Set asStrings to true to resolve arrays as a string containing all elements, separated by commas.

toJSON(asStrings?: boolean): RawAxiosHeaders;

From ​

Returns a new AxiosHeaders instance created from the raw headers passed in, or simply returns the given headers object if it's an AxiosHeaders instance.

from(thing?: AxiosHeaders | RawAxiosHeaders | string): AxiosHeaders;

Shortcuts ​

The following shortcuts are available:

  • setContentType, getContentType, hasContentType
  • setContentLength, getContentLength, hasContentLength
  • setAccept, getAccept, hasAccept
  • setUserAgent, getUserAgent, hasUserAgent
  • setContentEncoding, getContentEncoding, hasContentEncoding

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